Coláiste Pobail Fhine Gall
Fingal Community College

Parents’ Association

Welcome to Parents and Guardians

About Fingal Community College Parents Council

The school is pleased to announce that a Parents' Association (PA) has been re-established for the benefit of the whole school community. At a general meeting for all parents on the 26th October 2022 a committee was elected and formed.

Every parent and guardian of children attending Fingal Community College are members of the Parents' Association and are invited to join us at our monthly Parents Association meetings or contact us at our email address: Please consider supporting the PA by becoming an active member or joining our volunteers list for future events. Being involved in the PA is a great way to get involved in your child’s school and to meet other parents.

The aims of this Association are:

  1. To promote and foster co-operation between school and home
  2. To give parents representation in school planning
  3. To support the educational and welfare interests of all students.

The Association is a forum for parents and a channel for information and support. We are interested in the well-being of our school and wish that no parent feels isolated from the school community. We will be organising and participating in events that bring teachers, pupils and parents together to promote wellness. The Parents Council is not a forum to air grievances about the school or members for staff. Its primary goal is to support the school and parents in a respectful manner.

Keep an eye on this space for information and webinars you may find useful in guiding your children through our school.

Useful links

Newsblast - The National Parents Council's latest newsletter

Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
Feb 25
Senior Cycle Options Information Evening
Mar 06
5th Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 17
Bank Holiday
Seatown Road, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 E330, Ireland
01 840 5829
© 2025 Fingal Community College