Fingal Community College is a multi-denominational, co-educational school under the patronage of Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB (DDLETB). Registered Charity Number: 20083526.
Fingal Community College celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2010, having been set up in September 1985 with 72 students enrolled. The College now has an enrolment of 880 students. Our former Principal Sharon McGrath and current Principal Martina Donnellan were appointed in September 2009. In 2017 Margaret McDaid joined the senior management team as Deputy Principal. Under the leadership of this trio, Fingal Community College flourished. In 2021 Rachel Gorey joined as the second Deputy Principal. Prior to 2009, Fingal CC developed and thrived under the management of Principal Tony Keeling and Deputy Principal Joe Smith for 24 years.
Contextual factors – Internal and External
- Total number of students: 880
- Gender Profile: 53% Boys 47% Girls
- Catchment Area: Swords and North County Dublin area.
The current Board of Management Comprises:
- 3 members of Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB)
- 2 Staff representatives
- 2 Parent representatives
- 1 representative of the local community
- Secretary to the Board – School Principal
- Recording Secretary – School Deputy Principal
The educational aims of Fingal Community College are as follows:
- To promote the academic, moral, spiritual, social and personal development of students in consultation with their parents/ guardians
- To cherish and nurture all students equally regardless of their ability, gender, creed, race, class or ethnic background and to promote tolerance and respect for all
- To encourage the pursuit of excellence appropriate to each student’s particular talents and skills so that each individual can be the very best version of themselves
- To offer a broad holistic curriculum to enable students to reach their full potential and to develop a love of learning
- To give every opportunity to students to develop powers of critical reflection thereby building independence of mind as a means towards responsible citizenship