Coláiste Pobail Fhine Gall
Fingal Community College

Study Support

Study Support

Follow our 5 Steps to Study Success

S 1 : Study Plan

When are you going to study?

  • Devise a study plan
  • Think about what you have to do each week and what time periods you can allocate to studying e.g. 4:00 - 6:00pm each evening
  • Find some more tips here on studyclix

Study Plan Template

What are you going to study?

  • Make a list of all your subjects.
  • For each subject make a list of all the topics you need to revise and know for your exams.
  • Once you have this in place you can decide which subjects you will study at which times on your study plan.

How are you going to study?

Be clear about which study strategies work best for you and use them. They might include:

  • Flashcards (how to use flashcards)
  • Mindmaps / spider diagrams
  • Self testing / quizzing (or having someone else test you)
  • Explaining concepts to some else or to yourself / teaching someone else
  • Cover and check
  • Past exam papers
  • Study Clix - use your study clix account (speak to your teacher if you have not set this up yet)
  • Space out your study over time (revisit a topic on day 1, 4, 7 etc)
  • Interleaving (switch between a few topics in one study session)
  • One page summaries
  • Revision clocks
  • Make notes
  • Use visuals
  • Mnemonics / Acronyms

***Be aware of study strategies which research has proven to be ineffective - highlighting, rereading, cramming, underlining.

Where will you study?

Your study environment is very important. It should be:

  • Comfortable
  • Ventilated, not too hot, not too cold
  • Bright
  • Quiet
  • Full of your learning resources

S 2 : Switch Off

Phones and devices distract your attention so switch them off and place them out of your reach.

TOP TIP : Find a box and put your phone in it whilst you study.

S 3: Stress Relief

Take time each day to do something you love that helps you avoid / manage stress. It may be exercise, relaxation, mindfulness, reading, breathing, yoga, getting outdoors, spending time with friends / family....

S 4 : Sleep

Your brain grows and develops whilst you sleep so aim for 8-10 hours a night (with no phone near you - blue light nearby affects the quality of your sleep.) A good night's sleep improves health, wellbeing and performance.

S 5 : Sustain

Your body and brain need the right type of fuel to survive and thrive. Make sure to eat well and hydrate regularly. Aim for 6-8 glasses of water a day and healthy foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts, fish, meat etc.

Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
Feb 25
Senior Cycle Options Information Evening
Mar 06
5th Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 17
Bank Holiday
Seatown Road, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 E330, Ireland
01 840 5829
© 2025 Fingal Community College