Coláiste Pobail Fhine Gall
Fingal Community College

School staff list

The staff of Fingal CC are as follows:


Deputy Principal

Ms. Martina Donnellan

Ms. Margaret McDaid

Ms. Rachel Gorey

English Department

Irish Department

Ms. C. Arthurs

Ms. C. Downes

Ms. B. Broaders

Ms. D. Dunleavy

Ms. J. Cannon

Ms. L. Higgins

Ms. O. Hand

Mr. V. Shanagher

Ms. L. Higgins

Ms. C. Rogers

Ms. E. Kennerney

Ms. L. Thornberry

Ms. A. O’Keefe

Ms. S. Ward

Mr. D. O’Loughlin

Ms. L. Rooney

Maths Department

Ms. L. Kenny

Ms. M. Burke
Ms. M. Brady
Art Department Ms. C. Chaney
Ms. L. Coggins Ms. S. Clinton

Ms. S. Lynch

Ms. C. Maher

Ms. E. McDermott
Science Department

Ms. N. Minton

Ms. A. Behan

Ms. M. O’Kane

Ms. M. Buckley

Dr. A. Parkinson

Ms. M. Burke

Ms. C. Goble
Ms. C. Chaney Ms. C. Towey
Ms. S. Clinton

Ms. K. Urell

Mr. K. Gilmore

Ms. M. Whelan

Ms. C. Goble
Ms. C. Maher

Ms. N. Minton

Mr. S. Moore

Business Department

Ms. E. McDermott

Mr. T. Brennan

Ms. C. Towey

Ms. M. O’Kane

Ms. K. Urell

Ms. B. Roche - Economics

Ms. M. Whelan - Accounting

Career Guidance Department

SPHE Department

Ms. F. O’Brien

Ms. B. Jennings

Ms. L. Buffini Music Department
Ms. L. Rooney

Ms. M. Brady

Ms. D. Dunleavy

Mr. C. Culliney

Mr. S. Donnelly

T4 Department - Engineering, Wood Technology, Construction, DCG, Graphics

Mr. N. Cassidy

Mr. G. Comer

CSPE Department

Mr. G. Weir

Ms. C. Maher

Mr. C. Moran

Geography Department

Ms. C. Arthurs

Mr. C. Bourke

Ms. S. Friel

Ms. O. Finlay

Ms. O. Hand

Mr. I. Howley

Religious Education Department

Ms. B. Roche

Ms. M. Brady

Mr. V. Shanagher

Mr. D. O’Loughlin

Ms. L. Thornberry

Mr. L. Hampson
Mr. S. Donnelly

Mr. T. Brennan

History Department

Ms. C. Arthurs

Additional Educational Needs Department

Ms. B. Broaders

Ms. L. Higgins

Ms. L. Buffini

Mr. I. Howley

Ms. A. Digan

Ms. A. O’Keeffe

Ms. O. Finlay

Dr. A. Parkinson

Mr. I. Howley

Mr. L. Hampson

English as an Additional Language

Ms. L. Rooney

Ms. A. O’Keeffe (coordinator as part of AEN Dept.)

Home Economics Department

LCVP Department

Ms. B. Jennings

Ms. A. O’Keeffe

Ms. N. Stewart

Ms. B. Roche

Ms. O'Malley Ms. M. Whelan
Physical Education Department

Politics and Society Department

Mr. K. Gilmore

Ms. B. Broaders

Ms. A. Mahony

Mr. S. Moore

Ms. N. Gibson Additional Needs Assistants

French Department

Tracey Bateson

Ms. C. Bourke

Catherine Fitzpatrick

Ms. L. Buffini

Karen Leavey

Ms. J. Cannon

Niamh O'Carroll

Ms. E. Kennerney

Sarah Still Parsons
Ms. S. Ward

German Department

Office Staff

Ms. C. Bourke

Valentina Falcone
Sharon Harrington

Spanish Department

Mr. C. Bourke

Ms. P. Fiz

Ms. K. O’Keeffe

Ms. I Perez

Japanese Department

Mr. D. McCartney

Russian Department

Ms. N. Zhereshchina

Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
Feb 25
Senior Cycle Options Information Evening
Mar 06
5th Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 17
Bank Holiday
Seatown Road, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 E330, Ireland
01 840 5829
© 2025 Fingal Community College